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Training Mate

Training Mate is an interactive training aid that allows you to create personalised workouts and track your performance against your targets. Easy to use and intuitive, Training Mate helps you achieve that extra level of athletic performance. Training Mate works not just for rowers and cross-country skiers but also those who use the Indoor Rower or SkiErg as part of a wider fitness regime. It works for any level of athlete – whether you are a senior squad member on the national team, a junior embarking on the first rung of the ladder, a recreational athlete or working towards a weight loss goal.

Create your perfect training regime

Training Mate brings all of your training routines into one easy to use place. Ergo or river, strength & conditioning or cardio, snow or no snow, Training Mate makes it easy for you to execute the training programmes that work for you.

Alternatively discover the Training Mate experience by selecting one of our preset training sessions from our comprehensive purpose-built library, or start with the Indoor Sport Services Workout of the Day.

Track your performance as you train

Training Mate makes your training more efficient, more transparent and more measurable. No more guessing. No trial and error. Training Mate helps you understand exactly what works for you, and what doesn't, so you can focus your time and energy on the important stuff.

With a direct connection to Concept2 Indoor Rower and SkiErg machines Training Mate takes you further than other rowing specific solutions, guiding you through your routines and capturing your performance as you train. Measuring 13 key aspects of your performance, it gives you all of the information you need to measure your progress and improve your performance

Review your results, assess your progress

Training Mate makes it easy to review your previous training sessions across weeks, training blocks or seasons. It's so simple to use and is compatible with any computer and any training kit. Review your results so you can arm yourself with the information you need to perform at an even higher level.


Training Mate is available for both PC, running Windows XP, Vista and Win7 or Apple Macs running OSX Tiger. Java version 1.5 or later is also required with either platform.

Training Mate for Windows PC Training Mate for Macintosh OSX