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Performance Monitor 3

A good training partner helps you stick with a programme and reach your goals. We've designed the PM3 (Performance Monitor 3) to be the ideal, smart electronic training partner... and it is standard on every Model D!

The PM3 is entirely menu-driven, so you don't have to remember any complicated button combinations. You can also 'Just Row' without pushing any buttons at all.

The PM3 offers a variety of units and graphic display options including Force Curve, Paceboat and Bar Chart. You can select from a library of pre-set workouts that load instantly, or you can even race against a paceboat using your previously stored result.

With the introduction of the PM3 LogCard, you can now easily and automatically record your workouts, track your progress and transfer your workout data to your PC or Mac computer. The 'smart', portable LogCard also allows you to program and store your own favorite workouts for instant set-up.

The Model D includes a power generation feature, which greatly extends the life of the PM3's batteries (two D batteries) by providing operating power to the PM3 while you are rowing.

PM3 Features