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PM4 Battery Pack Advice

Indoor Sport Services are helping you to be greener by providing you with rechargeable batteries for the PM4 monitor, however, some issues have come to light when they are used in insitutions such as schools and gyms where they may only be used for brief periods of time.

Both the PM3 and PM4 monitors are powered by the athlete while they are rowing. Battery power is only needed to power the monitor while the rower is inactive and the monitor is on. PM4 monitors are supplied in the box with a rechargeable battery pack, which is recharged by rowing; the longer the duration and the higher the power, the more quickly the PM4 charges.

Some usage patterns mean that the rechargeable packs are sometimes not receiving enough charge from the rowers using the machine and are running down too fast.

If this is the case, there are 3 alternatives:

  1. Recharge the battery pack by attaching via USB to a plugged in PC
  2. Use a USB-mains adapter (ensure the correct USB connector)
  3. And possibly the simplest solution:
  4. Use two alkaline D-Cell (LR20) batteries

Note: if you have a PM4, please make sure you are running the latest version of the firmware. There are known issues with the firmware Version 14 which means the battery pack may not recharge via USB. For information on how to upgrade and to download the latest version please go to the PM4 firmware page.