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Technique is the most important factor when using the rowing machine. If you get your technique right you'll be efficient, produce better scores/results and avoid potential injuries. Here, three-times world champion Tom Kay illustrates ideal form.

The Finish

Lean back slightly, legs flat, handle drawn to the body.
Forearms horizontal.

Arms extend, body rocks forward

The arms are relaxed and extended fully.
The body rocks forward from the hips.

The Slide

After the arms have fully extended and the body rocked forward, slide forward maintaining arm and body position

The Drive - Full Slide - The beginning

Shins vertical with body pressed up to the legs.
The arms are straight and relaxed.
The position should not feel uncomfortable.

The start of The Drive

The legs push down and the body begins to lever back.

The Drive continued

The legs continue to push as the body levers back.
The arms remain straight.

The body stops levering back

The arms draw the handle past the knees and then strongly to the body, returning to the Finish position.
Legs flat.
Forearms horizontal.

The Finish

Lean back slightly, legs flat, handle drawn to the body.
Forearms horizontal.
You are now ready to take the next stroke.