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Indoor Sport Services Slides

Concept2 Slide - Pair

Buy Now - £300.00

Consisting of a simple and easy to maintain track and carriage system, the Slide means that the Indoor Rower will move back and forth under the person rowing, adding an authentic on-water dimension to indoor rowing. The Slide also enables you to link an unlimited number of machines together to create the feel of rowing in a crew. Not only does it simulate the feel of rowing on water but it also forces you to row as a crew, thus helping to develop timing, slide control on the Recovery and connection at the Catch.

Two Slides are needed for the first machine but each additional machine only requires one further Slide. The Slides can be either set up or disassembled in a matter of seconds and can be fitted to all Concept2 models, although the Concept2 A and B can only be used as part of a team set-up if it is at the head of the crew.

Team and Single Slides

Team Boat Slide

A great training tool for team-boat coaches to use in the off-season, the Slide makes indoor rowing feel more like rowing on the water and compels your athletes to row as a team.

Sliding Single

Set up as a sliding single, the indoor rower moves back and forth under the person rowing, more like rowing on the water. You get a quicker catch and can row at a higher stroke rate, because only the mass of the indoor rower is being moved and not that of the person rowing.

Space Requirements

Sliding Single

To use a pair of Slides with one indoor rower, we recommend a space of 11' x 4'. This works on Models A, B, C, D and E Indoor Rowers.

Team Boats

To determine the space required for a multiple slide setup, use this formula: (number of ergs x 8.5 feet) + 3.5 feet = length required
The Team Boat Slide works only on Models C, D and E Indoor Rowers