
NOTICE: Please note that this is an old version of the Indoor Sport Services website provided for archive purposes. Do not purchase/hire anything through this site, instead visit our new site at or phone on 01159 455522

Indoor Sport Services Slide: FAQs

  1. How many slides do I need?
  2. What are the dimensions and weight?
  3. How much space is required?
  4. Can the Slide be used with a Model B rower?
  5. What is the warranty on the Slide?
  6. How do you set it up?
  7. Is there any assembly required?
  8. Is there any maintenance required?
  9. What about spare parts?
  10. What is the material? Paint?
  11. Will I get better erg scores on the slide?

How many slides do I need?

Two slides are required for every individual Rower. If you plan to hook Rowers together, then you need one more slide than the total number of Rowers you want to hook together. (ie, two Rowers need three Slides, 8 rowers need 9 slides). Four slides is a good number to start with as it gives the owner the option of 2 individual Rowers, 2 Rowers together or 3 Rowers together.

What are the dimensions and weight?

An unboxed unit is 24 1/4" x 56 1/4" x 3 1/2" (max height). (61.5 cm x 143 cm x 9 cm) Each unboxed slide weighs about 26 pounds (11.7 kg). Box dimensions are 57"x26"x7" (145 cm x 66 cm x 18 cm). Boxed weight is 57 pounds (26 kilos) for a pair, 32 pounds (14.5 kilos) for a single.

How much space is required?

An Indoor Rower requires 8' (2.44 m). A single Indoor Rower on Slides needs 11' (3.35 m). A plurality of Indoor Rowers in a line requires about: (no. of rowers x 8 ½ feet) + 3 feet). Example: 3 Rowers X 8 ½ feet plus 3 feet= 28 ½ feet of floor space for three Rowers hooked together. Width is the same as the Indoor Rower. The Indoor Rower is raised about 2 ½ " off the floor.

Can the Slide be used with a Model B rower?

The slide can be used with the Model B also, but only as a single or if the Model B is at the front of a line of Model Cs.

What is the warranty on the Slide?

One year.

How do you set it up?

Set up is primarily a matter of lining up the Slides so they are level and close to parallel. Once they are positioned correctly, the Rower(s) is simply placed on top of the Slides.

Is there any assembly required?

No, the slides are fully assembled and ready to use out of the box. No tools or modifications to the Indoor Rower are required.

Is there any maintenance required?

It's a little early to tell, but the only anticipated maintenance might be to clean the plastic tracks if the Slides are being used in a dirty environment. The user may also want to make adjustments to the shock cord tension. This is accomplished by feeding the cord through a cord lock, much like the devices on a sleeping bag cord.

What about spare parts?

Again, we have no history, but we anticipate that at some time the rollers and the plastic tracks will need replacing, and the shock cord may also need to be replaced.

What is the material? Paint?

The frame and carriage are welded steel construction and painted with a baked, electrostatically applied epoxy powder paint. The rollers and plastic track are filled nylon. The rollers run on ABEC-1 grade ball bearings. The rubber feet are the same thermoplastic rubber feet that we use on the Indoor Rower. The bungee cord has a polypropylene casing around a latex core.

Will I get better erg scores on the slide?

Tests that we have done so far are inconclusive- some people do better on the Slide, some do worse. (These were heart rate tests). For now we will assume that the scores are not comparable for the World Ranking.