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Dynamic Indoor Rower

Greg Searle gives his opinion on the Concept2 Dynamic Erg
Dick and Peter Dreissigacker answer some questions about the new Concept2 Dynamic Erg

Dynamic Indoor Rower

Buy Now £1190.00

The Dynamic Indoor Rower is designed to meet specific training needs of the competitive rowing athlete. The difference between this machine and the Model D or E is that as you row, your feet do most of the moving rather than the seat. The seat is also free to move, but due to the physics of rowing, the seat movement is minimal.


Here are some things to consider when comparing the Dynamic Indoor Rower to a Model D or E.

The Dynamic Indoor Rower offers:

Reasons why the Model D or E might be a good choice for you:

Product Specifications

Length 76 in (193 cm)
Width 24.25 in (61.5 cm)
Height 33 in (84.5 cm)
Seat Height about 21 in (53.3 cm)