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Frequently Asked Questions

The Dynamic Indoor Rower is designed to meet specific training needs of the competitive rowing athlete. The difference between this machine and the Model D or E is that as you row, your feet do most of the moving rather than the seat. The seat is also free to move, but due to the physics of rowing, the seat movement is minimal.

Why is it called the Dynamic Indoor Rower?

The Dynamic Indoor Rower more closely simulates the physics experienced while rowing a racing shell and the "dynamics" between the boat and athlete. On the dynamic erg, a user's body mass is relatively stationary while components of the machine actively move in response to the rowing motion, similar to the way a lightweight rowing shell moves around the rower's body.

I'm a competitive on-water rower. What does the Dynamic Indoor Rower offer me?

I'm not an on-water rower. Should I consider the Dynamic Indoor Rower?

The Dynamic Indoor Rower is created specifically for on-water competitive rowers. It mimics the feel of on-water rowing and offers sport-specific training. Some individuals who do not row on the water may prefer this feel or may appreciate the smaller 76 inch length and higher seat level of this machine. All of our indoor rowers offer a great workout.

What are the advantages of the Dynamic Indoor Rower over the Model D/E?

The Dynamic Indoor Rower more closely matches the feel and motion of rowing a boat on the water. The design allows for a reduction of handle return force, which offers more relaxation on the recovery. The Dynamic Indoor Rower is more compact with an overall length of 76" (193 cm). (The Model D and E measure 96.")

What are the advantages of the Model D/E over the Dynamic Indoor Rower?

The Model D and Model E are both proven designs that provide all the fitness benefits of rowing. The Model D is a more affordable option for those looking for a rowing workout. Both the Model D and Model E can be quickly separated for moving and storage. The Model D and Model E do not have to be leveled on the floor like the Dynamic Indoor Rower, which makes them easier to set up on a variety of surfaces.

What is the difference between the Dynamic Indoor Rower and using the Model D on Slides?

The Dynamic Indoor Rower feels similar to the Model D on Slides but is one compact unit. The Slides allow you to connect multiple indoor rowers for rowing as a team. There are plans to offer a connecting rod to link more than one Dynamic Indoor Rower for team rowing.

How will times on the Dynamic Indoor Rower compare with times on the Model D/E and Slides?

There are dynamic and mechanical differences that work both in favor of and against each type of indoor rower. Times may vary slightly depending on individual power application.