
NOTICE: Please note that this is an old version of the Indoor Sport Services website provided for archive purposes. Do not purchase/hire anything through this site, instead visit our new site at or phone on 01159 455522

Music To Train By

Many people listen to music while they train on the Concept2 Indoor Rower and SkiErg, but until now it has always been difficult to know how to match up the music that you choose to the session that you are doing. Rowing2Music have come up with the perfect solution in the form of six albums specifically designed for training on the Indoor Rower and SkiErg. Each track has a duration and guidance for stroke rate. This allows you to match your training session to the music that you listen during each interval.

The albums are perfect for training at home or for fitness professionals looking for music for group exercise sessions.

Download the music and transfer it to your mp3 player and/or CD when you need it. The music can be played straight off the album or you can mix tracks from various albums to make up a training session.

To purchase an album or just listen to previews simply go to

Coming soon:

Over the next few weeks we will be introducing a Music Session Vault where we will be posting a range of different rowing sessions that make use of the Rowing2Music tracks. Simon Larkin of Indoor Sport Services will be producing the sessions, which will consist of a session outline that can be printed off with the tracks that each part of the session goes with. If you have a session that you would like to share with others, and the Digifit music that goes with it, please email it to