
NOTICE: Please note that this is an old version of the Indoor Sport Services website provided for archive purposes. Do not purchase/hire anything through this site, instead visit our new site at or phone on 01159 455522

Tips and Reminders


Take Advantage of the Onboard INFORMATION

Your monitor includes an "onboard" manual which includes additional information to that supplied in the printed manual. From Main Menu, select Information. Then choose the topics that interest you.

Saving Your "Just Row" Meters to LogCard

When you finish a Just Row piece, be sure to press MENU/BACK so that the monitor knows you are done and can save your results to the LogCard. If you forget this step, you will need to use the LogCard Utility Menu > Copy Workout to copy the workout from Memory to LogCard. This also applies to a pre-set workout that you abort before completion: press MENU/BACK to indicate that you are done.

Custom Splits

When you set up a New Workout, the monitor allows you to set the split interval as well. Your workout data will be stored in memory or on your LogCard for each of these splits. Typically, hundreds of workouts can be stored on a single LogCard. Keep in mind, however, that the more splits you choose to store, the fewer workouts will fit on your LogCard. Also, if you save the New Workout as a Favorite, the custom split length will also be saved with that workout, as well as when you put a Favorite on the Custom List.

Bar Chart and Heart Rate

If you have the heart rate interface installed and are wearing a Heart Rate monitor, the Bar Chart will automatically plot your Heart Rate as you row (figure 1). If you are not wearing a Heart Rate monitor, the Bar Chart will show individual stroke power (figure 2).

Viewing Different Units in Memory or LogCard

The monitor's CHANGE UNITS button can be pressed at any time before, during, or after your row in order to change the units being displayed. This can be especially interesting when you are viewing your Memory or LogCard. It allows you to view your splits and total results in watts, pace and calories.

Updating "Lifetime Metres"

The LogCard keeps track of your Lifetime Metres. By default, this will be the total metres on your LogCard. If you would like enter your actual previous lifetime meters to bring this total up to date, you can use the Edit LogCard function to do this. Here's how: [Main Menu] > [LogCard] > [LogCard Utilities] > [Edit LogCard].


Remember that great workout you had two weeks ago? Well, the monitor enables you to re-row it, with a Paceboat set to your previous performance. Just find the workout on your LogCard, and press ReRow. The workout setup, splits, and intervals will all be retained.

Changing Users on a Shared LogCard

The quickest way to switch between users on a shared LogCard is to remove the card (just pull it out 1/4" or so until it says GoodBye) and reinsert it to "login" as another user.


LogCard Procedure

The LogCard must be inserted into the monitor before setting up your workout and must remain in place until the workout is completed. A workout is considered "complete" when you have finished a preset time or distance workout or when you press the Menu/Back button and return to the main menu. Also, the LogCard should not be pulled out while the hourglass is showing on the screen, as this will interrupt the transfer of data to the LogCard.

Setting the Time & Date

When you first get your monitor, it's worth taking the time to set the correct time and date. This information is used to store your workouts, and it gets pretty confusing if the date is wrong!


As with all electronic storage media, we encourage you to make frequent backups of your LogCard data. You can do this either by transferring it to a PC using the spreadsheet software provided, or by keeping written documentation of key data such as Lifetime Meters.


As updates become available for your monitor, we will make them available for downloading via our website. Some of these updates may contain new features; others will fix the inevitable bugs.

Visit the software updates page to check and updatge your PM.

Software Update