
NOTICE: Please note that this is an old version of the Indoor Sport Services website provided for archive purposes. Do not purchase/hire anything through this site, instead visit our new site at or phone on 01159 455522


ErgBuddy is an iOS application (designed to run on an Apple iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch) that displays performance data from your Concept2 Indoor Rower. ErgBuddy provides a large, bright display and is fully compatible with the iOS VoiceOver feature which means ErgBuddy can announce your performance data at regular intervals, making it an ideal training partner for the blind and visually impaired or when rowing in a dimly lit or dark room.



Note: Excluding the VoiceOver feature, ErgBuddy may also work on iPhone 3G and older iPod touches. Indoor Sport Services does not test or support these older configurations.


  1. Install ErgBuddy on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from the Apple iTunes App store.
  2. Insert the Wahoo Key in your iOS device, and then press any button on the PM4 to turn it on.
  3. On the PM4 Main Menu, select More OptionsLinkLink Indoor Sport Services Mobile ApplicationErgBuddy 1. Finally, choose Remember Mobile.

If you are visually impaired, the selections are all made using the 5th button from the top of the PM4, so press this button four times, wait for about 15 seconds, and then press the 5th button once more.

After taking these steps, the PM4 will try to connect with ErgBuddy each time the monitor is powered on.


Performance Monitor/ErgBuddy Compatibility

It is only possible to use ErgBuddy with the latest Beta release firmware versions for the PM4 monitors. Learn how to check your firmware version, and use the Indoor Sport Services Utility software to update your monitor if necessary.

Check the table below for when firmware updates enabling compatibility with other performance monitors may be available.

Monitor Availability of Compatible Firmware
PM3 Not available
SkiErg PM4 Available now v708
Indoor Rower PM4, v16–99 (pre June 08) Available now v28
Indoor Rower PM4, v300–399 Available now v318
Download From App Store
Note: Apple, iTunes, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.