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Indoor Rowing For Runners

The Indoor Rower has the potential to help runners of all ages, speeds and types. Indoor Sport Services has produced a Running Guide which aims to maximise this potential for sprint, middle, long and ultra-distance runners. As well as providing a selection of workouts, the Guide also explains how rowing can develop specific running related energy pathways and muscular power; combat common running injuries and keep you running faster and longer as you age.

The Running Guide has been written by John Shepherd, a regular member of the England and Great Britain athletics teams as a long jumper in the eighties and nineties. He still competes as a master and has won European and World championship medals. He is a regular contributor to numerous sports, health and fitness magazines, notably Ultra-FIT and Peak Performance, but has also written for Running Fitness,The Times, GQ, Men's Fitness and Athletics Weekly. John holds a degree in physical education and a masters degree, numerous fitness and sports qualifications and was also a leisure centre manager for over 10 years.

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8 reasons why runners should use the Indoor Rower

  1. Rowing is a non-impact exercise, it places less impact-related wear and tear on the body. This is especially important for combating over-use running injuries
  2. It adds variety to your training programme
  3. It offers a time efficient method to improve aerobic capacity and reduce body fat
  4. It can provide excellent anaerobic workouts that will develop the physiological qualities needed for the development of the speed endurance needed by middle distance runners for example, and can contribute to the development of the explosive power needed by sprinters
  5. Rowing can be done indoors anytime, important when you might not feel like going out for a 10 mile effort in the cold and the rain
  6. It is a safe and effective way of training whilst recovering from certain injuries
  7. It is transportable and can be used at home or other locations
  8. Rowing on the Concept2 provides an accurate means for monitoring your level of conditioning, and offers constant feedback whilst rowing. For example, you can train using the heart rate monitor interface in clearly defined, and applicable to you, heart rate training zones