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POWERbreathe Training Guide

POWERbreathe Plus Sports

Buy Now - £49.99

As a user of the Concept2 Indoor Rower you spend huge amounts of time on technique, training your cardiovascular system and building muscle strength using weights. However, if you fail to pay the same attention to your breathing pump muscles you are neglecting to train one of the most important groups of muscles contributing to your performance. Out of sight is out of mind, but breathing is a muscular process requiring a huge amount of muscular work.

The POWERbreathe Training Guide is written for those training to improve their 2000m race or time trial performance. It is specifically aimed at age group rowers who are in physiological decline and want to maximise or improve their performance by strengthening their breathing muscles using the POWERbreathe inspiratory muscle trainer. The benefits of POWERbreathe apply equally to elite athletes as they do to recreational indoor rowers.

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