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Marathon Training Guide

This is a plan for established indoor rowers who train for 2,000m races or time trials over 5,000m, 10,000 m and the half marathon (21,097 m). The marathon plan in this guide assumes a high level of basic fitness and should not be attempted if you have been ill or injured recently.

It has also been used in part by a number of indoor rowers as base endurance preparation prior to more specific 2000 m training.

It is possible to row the marathon distance without undertaking a specific marathon training plan if you are an active 2,000m rower. The base endurance you have built up will see you through if you take it easy (50-60% of 2,000m power in watts). Your body will not like it, recovery will take many weeks and you will not produce the best performance you are capable of.

If you want to optimise your marathon performance (60-70% of 2000 m power in watts - closer to 65% or slightly below for the majority) then more specific marathon training is needed. Even if you are well trained the physiological stress on the body of a marathon row is high and recovery again is measured in weeks.

The Marathon Training Programme has been written by Eddie Fletcher, a sport and exercise physiologist and specialist indoor rowing coach. He is coach to a number of World and British indoor rowing champions and record holders.

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