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Schools Case Studies

Newcastle Schools Sport Partnership

Date Added: Thu, 20 Jan 2011

Related tags: Competition, Key Stage 4, Extra-curricular, Inter-school, Indoor League, Project Setup

Newcastle Schools Sport Partnership (NSSP*) is supplying students in Newcastle city schools with rowing machines to improve their competitive edge, fitness and interest in the sport.

All 15-16 yr old scholars will be given the opportunity to try out the equipment, supplied by Concept2 and at the launch demonstration, students from Heaton Manor enthusiastically applied their collective strength in a virtual team competition, where progress could be monitored on overhead plasma screens.

Ted Baty, an NSSP coordinator for Heaton Manor School, watched their reactions with interest. He said: "This is something new for us, but the students are loving it. Key Stage 4 pupils will be able to take part in virtual rowing leagues both locally and nationally. We also expect that primary children will be given access to the machines. In time, we hope that it will encourage them to go one step further and get out onto the Tyne in real rowing boats and we will be establishing links with Tyne Rowing Club and the University."

This is the first stage of an extended programme to provide each school in the city with access to rowing machines and use rowing as a means of increasing participation and performance. There are plans for an Indoor Rowing League, an Indoor Rowing Festival and entry into national online leagues.

"Students get fit and by competing against each other in their teams, gain respect for the abilities of others and raise their own sporting standards," explained Joyce Matthews, NSSP partnership manager. "We continue to focus on delivering innovative solutions to encourage children into high quality sport and if the rowing machines are a means to helping them realise that their potential may lie in previously unchartered territory, then we have succeeded in raising their personal goals."

It is expected that the city schools involved will have their rowing machines installed by Easter.

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