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Schools Case Studies

Manning School Sponsored Row

Date Added: Thu, 14 May 2009

Related tags: Competition, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 3, Intra-school, Charity

During the week of 27th April - 1st May, Manning School Girls took part in a sponsored rowing event to raise money for the charity group 'School Children for Children'.

This initiative not only encouraged young people to be active but also to raise money to help children in some of the poorest countries in the world.

Schoolchildren for Children is an excellent tool to encourage young people to take exercise while raising funds for children in developing countries who don't have our advantages in life. Students engage in an activity that puts them in a truly global citizen role, and the education resources it will provide will prove invaluable.

Schoolchildren for Children is looking to achieve a sum total of over one million miles of additional voluntary exercise by young people in 2009.

Each student rowed during their PE lessons, and as a school we clocked up a total of 443 miles, to contribute to the one million miles challenge total for School Children for Children. The miles were also totaled up for each of the 4 house groups and the challenge formed an intra-school competition.

Our girls thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this event and raising money for charity was a truly motivational way of engaging them to participate in sport.

On behalf of us all at Manning I would like to say a huge thank you to Concept 2 for providing us with rowing machines to use for the week. Without your help this would not have been possible and you have allowed a wonderful opportunity for all those who took part as well as creating opportunities for those who will benefit from our sponsor money!

Julia Kang (School Sports Co-ordinator, Manning School)

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