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Schools Case Studies

Lourdes Secondary School Glasgow - Totally Rowing Project

Date Added: Wed, 18 Apr 2007

Related tags: Competition, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 3, Extra-curricular, Cross-curricular, Staff, Health Benefit

The addition of 5 Concept Rowers into the PE department's fitness suit has had a major impact on numerous areas of the pupil's curriculum. From the outset the department knew of the benefits of using rowing machines from a purely fitness point of view and as a lead-in to the actual sport of rowing.

The inclusion of the more modern version of the machines and the increase in number of machines meant that a vast array of other benefits was witnessed quite rapidly. The department, now having 5 new machines and two of the older concept rowers, was able to firstly include rowing as a whole class activity within its fitness block.

To date every child in the school has now had a block of fitness work containing instruction on the use of the machine and will have produced times for both 500mts and 1000mts. This has allowed league tables and ladders to be produced and has introduced a competitive element to the activity which has worked as a great motivator. Children are now regularly seen checking their scores and performance levels.

Extra Curricular clubs were then introduced both at lunchtimes and after school. Each year group S1 - S5 being assigned a lunchtime and also given a senior pupil as the supervisor. These senior pupils were chosen as they already had a background of working at the rowing club, had been coached themselves for over a year and were given instruction and guidance as to what should constitute the content of the sessions with the younger pupils, Additionally the seniors have now also gained a community coaching award for their efforts.

On average we are currently running at about 15- 20 children per session. These clubs have now provided a lead-in to the local rowing club (Clydesdale) and in conjunction with the club coaches we now have around 30 children attending the club on Saturdays and Sundays.

In a cross curricular sense the machines have had an impact on Math's, IT and Learning support where data from the machines is used in a variety of ways to enhance the teaching and learning in these departments.

Looking at the overall health impact, again the machines have been a major influence. Our school is part of Glasgow's Healthy Schools Project and the inclusion of the rowers has fitted in well and with excellent timing. As indicated previously the machines are now part of every child's fitness block but in addition to this we will now be including a rowing championship event in the department, on similar lines to our Cross Country and Athletics Championships. This was identified an area which would be of particular benefit to some of our children who work extremely hard but due to body shape and body mass are at an immediate disadvantage in running events. The use of the rowing machines in many ways nullifies this problem and these children get a much more beneficial result for their efforts, in comparison to others.

In the wider area the rowing machines have also been used by teaching staff, Auxiliary teaching staff, cleaners and dinner ladies all of whom have found the machines of great benefit and have now fitted sessions in as part of a regular training programme.

In summary I am extremely pleased with the impact that rowing scheme has had on my department and the school as a whole. Everyone from pupils, PE Staff, whole school and auxiliary staff has had some impact from the provision of the machines. I am extremely grateful for their inclusion in my department.

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