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Leeds Tykes Rowing Sessions

The following was created by Steve Carter, the conditioner at Leeds Tykes.

At Leeds Tykes we use a variation on the Dallas Test in our training.

The Dallas Test:

3 x 1 minute maximum intensity efforts with 1 minute recovery between reps.
Target Distance: 1000m.

We have edited the Dallas test to better suit our needs and call it the Leeds Test.

The Leeds Test:

6 x 30s maximum effort with 30s recovery between intervals.
Target Distance: 1000m

Although the target is 1,000m some of the shorter players struggle to get the full 1,000m and average around 970m - this is less important as we use this session to monitor improvement.

10 x 300m

This session is constructed individually for each player depending on their ability levels and individual requirements, the larger stronger players are given less rest than the shorter players.

10 x 300m, each 300m should be done in under 60s, 30 - 60s rest between each rep.

Team Sessions

We also use the Indoor Rowers in team sessions. This session is good for team building as well as being very flexible in the training effect you can get from it.

Teams of four row a total of 10,000 - 15,000m. Two members of the team hold the rowers feet in place, one is ready to get on, one rowing. At the change over the rower rolls off, the new rower gets on, then the people holding the feet move round one space.

To change the type of training achieved you can define the distance or time that you would like the player to row for before change over.

This session can also add a competitive edge if there is more than one team doing the session.

Recovery Training

We use the Indoor Rowers in our recovery sessions in conjunction with exercise bikes and treadmills. A typical recovery session would be:

Row 2 x 500m, 1 minute rest,
Target Pace: Between 1:50 - 2:00 /500m
HR around 70-75% max.

This session would be carried out twice within a recovery training session.