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EIRC Entrants by Club A-Z

Below is a list of all entries ordered by race number.

Click on a letter to find all entrants grouped by club/town. Click to remove grouping.

Name Club/City Event Title Race No & TimeErg No
Harris, DeanTRAIN ManchesterMens 30-39 Hwt109:306
Wordsworth, ChrisThirskMens 40-49 Hwt209:5020
Satchithananda, SusanTrentham BCWomens 40-49 Hwt310:1016
Kerr, BadenTollbar AcademyMens J16410:3016
Searby, Max Tollbar AcademyMens J16410:3014
Melvin, GeorgeTrafford Rowing ClubMens J16410:3020
Sharp, HannahTrafford Rowing ClubWomens J18410:303
Smith, JacobTrafford Rowing ClubMens J16410:3018
Sykes, BronyaTrafford Rowing ClubWomens J18410:304
Ashworth, KathyTrentham Boat ClubWomens J18410:308
Jackson, EliotTrentham Boat ClubMens J16410:3019
O Dunne , Olivia Trentham Boat ClubWomens J18410:306
Parrish, GlenTrentham Boat ClubMens J16410:3017
Roome, MarjorieTeign Scullers RCWomens 60-69 Hwt510:5015
Hallam, JulietTrenthamWomens 60-69 Hwt510:508
Nwaka, StanTaff Attack RacingMens 50-59 Hwt611:1014
Bradshaw, NeveThe Grange SchoolWomens J16611:1029
Cushen, EllieThe Grange SchoolWomens J16611:1017
Livesey, BreeThe Grange SchoolWomens J16611:1019
Nicholls, MayaTollbar AcademyWomens J16611:1021
Gallagher, ImanTrafford Rowing ClubWomens J16611:1026
Heathcock, EllieTrafford Rowing ClubWomens J16611:1028
Heath , LydiaTrentham Boat ClubWomens J16611:1023
Woods, CatherineTyne United Rowing ClubWomens J16611:1027
Brougham, CameronThe Grange SchoolMens J14711:3514
Marsden, TobyThe Grange SchoolMens J14711:3516
Bangerjee, DipyamanTrafford Rowing ClubMens J14711:3528
Edwards, ArchieTrafford Rowing ClubMens J14711:3530
Harries, ThomasTrafford Rowing ClubMens J14711:3532
Heathcock, MaxTrafford Rowing ClubMens J14711:3533
Whistance, AlbertTrafford Rowing ClubMens J14711:3535
Butters , Dom Trentham Boat ClubMens J14711:354
Cuthbertson, BenTrentham Boat ClubMens J14711:3531
Deen , CameronTrentham Boat ClubMens J14711:3526
Hallsworth, Dan Trentham Boat ClubMens J14711:357
Phagurey, Ethan Trentham Boat ClubMens J14711:3536
Picking, EthanTrentham Boat ClubMens J14711:3529
Trocewicz, KrzysztofTrentham Boat ClubMens J14711:352
Collier, EmilyThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 14811:4531
Matthews, OliverThe Grange SchoolMens J14811:455
McCauley, Jemima The Grange SchoolWomens Junior 14811:4513
McCleery, LiamThe Grange SchoolMens J14811:453
Ravenscroft, Mark The Grange SchoolMens J14811:451
Walker, RebeccaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 14811:4515
Jennings, Harry-FredTollbar AcademyMens J14811:452
Fitchet, EllieTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 14811:4530
Gallagher, DaniTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 14811:4526
Horsfall, KatieTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 14811:4517
Shackley, LucyTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 14811:4521
Wilson, MilanTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 14811:4524
Birnbacher, MeganTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4523
Boughey, IzzyTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4534
Furnivil, EmilyTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4533
Hallam, Lottie Trentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4529
Howie, StephTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4536
Jones, EthanTrentham Boat ClubMens J14811:454
Matthews, Jonathan Trentham Boat ClubMens J14811:456
Maxfield, ElishaTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4527
Nolan, Niamh Trentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4537
Oakes, MaddyTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4532
Softley, MillieTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 14811:4528
Dickens, Alfie The Grange SchoolMens J13911:5516
Glendinning, WilliamThe Grange SchoolMens J13911:551
Gray, LewisThe Grange SchoolMens J13911:552
Johnston, MatthewThe Grange SchoolMens J13911:5511
Kenyon, PaulThe Grange SchoolMens J13911:5518
Brown, LukeTrentham Boat ClubMens J13911:558
Brown, PatrickTrentham Boat ClubMens J13911:5525
Hills, MaxTrentham Boat ClubMens J13911:5520
Hudson, ElliotTrentham Boat ClubMens J13911:5522
Eddy, JessicaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 131012:058
Harding, OliviaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 131012:054
Smiles, AnnaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 131012:0510
Wall, MeganThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 131012:0511
Boyd, RebeccaTollbar AcademyWomens Junior 131012:0523
Ceylan, JeydaTollbar AcademyWomens Junior 131012:0514
Woodliffe, LucyTollbar AcademyWomens Junior 131012:0512
Burke, OrlaTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0520
Hoad-Reddick, SaskiaTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0525
Loates, CaraTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0522
Morris, EleanorTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0515
Rodwell, LilyTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0526
Smithson, OliviaTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0528
Webb, PhoebeTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:0518
Fowler, EveTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:0519
Fowler, HollyTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:0527
Green, TallyTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:0521
Hurst, Rosanna Trentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:056
Knight, MeganTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:0524
Oakes, MerryTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:0517
Wilson , EvieTrentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 131012:051
Abbott, GeorgiaTyne United Rowing ClubWomens Junior 131012:052
Gray, MorganThe Grange SchoolMens J151112:151
Kenyon, MatthewThe Grange SchoolMens J151112:1512
McGinn, JackThe Grange SchoolMens J151112:1517
Strickland Baker, BradleyThe Grange SchoolMens J151112:1514
Favell, ThomasTollbar AcademyMens J151112:1515
Bennet, AdamTrafford Rowing ClubMens J151112:1511
Green, LukeTrentham Boat ClubMens J151112:1513
Hall, Ben Trentham Boat ClubMens J151112:1516
Rowlinson, JacobTrentham Boat ClubMens J151112:1518
Campbell, FrancescaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 151212:308
Molton, AntoniaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 151212:3015
Wells, ElizabethTollbar AcademyWomens Junior 151212:3016
McAteer, Niamh Trentham Boat ClubWomens Junior 151212:3017
Laundy, JessicaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 121412:557
Lee, Anna The Grange SchoolWomens Junior 121412:556
Rathbone, HannahThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 121412:555
Sinclair, SophiaThe Grange SchoolWomens Junior 121412:554
Ennis, EmilyTollbar AcademyWomens Junior 121412:552
Howden, KatelynTollbar AcademyWomens Junior 121412:553
Woods, EloiseTyne United Rowing ClubWomens Junior 121412:5514
Baskerville, GwilymThe Grange SchoolMens J121513:0517
Scott, Ethan The Grange SchoolMens J121513:058
Leggett, BenjaminTollbar AcademyMens J121513:0516
Walker, JackTollbar AcademyMens J121513:0520
Sreekanth, AdithyaTrafford Rowing ClubMens J121513:0512
Boyd, PeterTollbar AcademyMens J181713:3010
Loates, AidenTrafford Rowing ClubMens J181713:303
Mellor, LouisTrafford Rowing ClubMens J181713:3014
Stobart, RoryTrafford Rowing ClubMens J181713:3012
Ford, JoeTrentham Boat ClubMens J181713:3011
Slatter, ChloeTrafford Rowing ClubWomens Open Lwt1813:502
downs, leetattenhallMens Open2215:0012
Chesworth, TomTrentham Boat ClubMens Open Lwt2215:001
Duncan-Lewis, KeirTrentham Boat ClubMens Open Lwt2215:005
Wilson, JamesTrentham Boat ClubMens Open Lwt2215:003
Roome, MarjorieTeign Scullers RCWomens 50+ Hwt2315:3520
Nwaka, StanTaff Attack RacingMens 50+ Hwt2415:4515
Freeman, DarrenTRAIN ManchesterMens Open2415:453
Smith, BillyTRAIN ManchesterMens Open2415:457
Grattage, PaulThe Grange SchoolMens 30+ Hwt2515:5525
Johnson, PaulThe man caveMens 30+ Lwt2515:5526

See Entrants by Category