
NOTICE: Please note that this is an old version of the Indoor Sport Services website provided for archive purposes. Do not purchase/hire anything through this site, instead visit our new site at or phone on 01159 455522

Terms and Conditions


  1. Entries must be made online and will close on 6.00pm on Sunday 22nd January.
  2. Large entries (>15) should e-mail for an Excel template for multiple entries.
  3. Entries not made in accordance to the rules will not be accepted. All details specified on the entry form are required for a valid entry. Incomplete, incorrect or illegible entries will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure the details entered online are correct.
  4. Entry fees are non-refundable once entered
  5. By entering the competition, a competitor agrees to be bound by the rules and terms & conditions.
  6. All entry instructions form part of the rules.
  7. The Championship Organising Committee reserves the right to limit the size of entry.
  8. Concept2 Indoor Rowers will be used. Competitors may use the resistance level of their choice, but this cannot be changed during the race.
  9. Minimum age for competitors, as of race day, is 10 years.
  10. For all competitors age is as of race day, except the junior categories J11 to J18.
    • J11 = aged under 11 on August 31st 2016 (year 6)
      J12 = aged under 12 on August 31st 2016 (year 7)
      J13 = aged under 13 on August 31st 2016 (year 8)
      J14 = aged under 14 on August 31st 2016 (year 9)
      J15 = aged under 15 on August 31st 2016 (year 10)
      J16 = aged under 16 on August 31st 2016 (year 11)
      J18 = aged under 18 on August 31st 2016
  11. Lightweight event weight limit: Men 75kg or less, Women 61.5kg or less.
  12. Lightweight competitors will be weighed at Lightweight Weigh-In between 2 hours and 1 hour before their race. Lightweight competitors who do not make their weight will be able to race. Their time will be listed at the bottom of the race category they entered, but they will not be placed. Their time will however be included in the Concept Ranking, as a heavyweight time.
  13. All category races will be straight finals, i.e. each competitor will only row once. Some categories may involve several races depending on entries. The times from all the races for a single category will be ranked to give an overall listing. The organisers will try to arrange for the fastest competitors of each category to be in the last race for each category. To help this process competitors are required to submit their expected time.
  14. The judges' decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
  15. Individual Events

  16. The race distance is 2,000m for all individual categories except J11 & J12 - 2 min; J13 - 3 min; J14 - 4 min; J15 - 5 min.
  17. The first, second and third individual in each event will be awarded a Gold, Silver or Bronze EIRC medal at award ceremonies throughout the day.
  18. No competitor will be allowed to change event on the day of racing. This includes lightweight competitors who do not make their weight (see point 12 above). Race confirmation, a Race Schedule and directions to the venue will be sent to all entrants on the Monday 30th January. ANY mistakes should be notified as soon as possible before race day and definitely before the Thursday before the race.
  19. Adult Team Events

  20. Race distance 3000m. Teams are made up of four members (plus 2 ‘strappers’), either the same sex (Events 57 or 58) or mixed (Event 59) depending on the category entered.
  21. Junior Team Events

  22. Race Distance 3000m. J18, J16 and J14 Teams are made up of four members plus 2 ‘strappers’, (Events 60, 61,62, 64, 65 and 66). J12 (Event 63) teams can be made up of teams of the same sex OR mixed, racing in one event. Each member of the first, second and third team in each event will be awarded a Gold, Silver or Bronze EIRC team medal immediately following the final heat of their race category.
  23. Important Medical Recommendation

  24. If on race day you feel unwell, have recently been suffering from a virus or are on medication, we recommend that you do not race. Indoor rowing racing requires maximal effort and the EIRC organisers take no responsibility for illness or injury caused as a consequence. If you have any doubts you should seek medical advice prior to racing.


Entry to the EIRC confirms that you understand that participation in the event involves risks of bodily injury, including stroke, paralysis, heart attack and death, as well as loss or damage to property. Your decision to participate in the event is made by you in full recognition of these risks and is entirely voluntary. In consideration of your acceptance of the entry form, you agree that you, your executors and administrators assign to hold harmless E.I.R.C, The Indoor Rowing Championships Ltd, Indoor Sport Services Ltd, Manchester Velodrome, Concept 2 Inc., Concept 2 Ltd, Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club, their respective directors, officers, employees, representatives, agent successors and assigns from all liability on account of injury, loss, claim, or damage to your health, wellbeing or property on account of your participation in the event. In addition, you hereby give permission to the event organisers and Concept 2 Inc. and their representatives, employees and agents to take photographs of you during the event and hereby release claim to such photographs.