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What is the point of rowing at UT2 pace?

Jerry Smith: "What is the purpose of a UT2 row at 18 SPM? I find them very difficult to do. It is hard for me to row so slow while keeping my heart rate in the band. For my last UT2 row I rowed for 60 minutes at 20 SPM, Drag Factor 113, HR was 110-126 but more down by the 110 area with a 500m split of 2:10-2:30."Terry O'Neill: The main benefits of training at UT2 are that it is a safeguard against over training and it allows the focus of the session to be on technique rather than physiology. The intensity level is governed by the blood lactate levels, which you can't measure. Because there is a direct correlation between heart rate, stroke rate and lactate levels you can make an approximation. Most athletes are very good at reading their body therefore, if you don't feel you are getting any benefit from the UT2 session as written, let the rate go up. If you are training 4-5 times a week then there is ample time between sessions for complete recovery and so you can replace this session with one of a higher intensity. The UT2 sessions have to be included because we don't know the condition of the people starting out on the programmes and so it is better to err on the safe side. With your training background I think you would get a better training benefit from dropping the UT2 and replacing it with UT1 and AT sessions.
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