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How can I get the most power from my legs?
Aaron Jackson: "This will probably rank amongst the most stupid questions that you've ever been asked but: I know that my legs are more powerful than my arms and form an important component of the drive, but I don't think that I'm getting all of the power and efficiency from my leg drive that I should. I can't seem to get any push. Should I be pushing down into the plate (as this seems to get more force into the stroke) or back towards the seat (which seems to keep me driving from my toes until my legs are extended and the heels come back to the plate). Surely, if I keep my heels flat, I can bring in quads and hams more than calves and utilise the larger muscle group. At the moment, I seem to be doing most of the work with my arms instead of transferring the acceleration from my legs via my back to the arms. Is there anything I can look for to help me maximise this?"
Terry O'Neill: I don't think the question is stupid. There are a couple of exercises you can try. As you come forward, think about the weight shifting on the foot towards the toes and also the compression of the legs like squeezing down a car suspension coil spring. When you come up onto your toes release the spring. This is to make sure you take the beginning of the stroke with the legs.
The other exercise is, from the beginning of the stroke keep the arms straight and just push off of the footplate, moving back a couple of inches, but making sure that the handle moves the same distance as the seat. Gradually increase the leg drive keeping the arms straight all the time and using them as a connection to the handle only, do not pull the handle into the body.
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