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Ask The Experts

How do I stop the foot straps from working loose?

Tina Terry: "How do I stop the foot straps from working loose when using the Indoor Rower at my local gym."

Terry O'Neill: The locking system on the foot strap is pretty good; I have just gone around some of the machines here, including some that have been used extensively, and they don't move easily. So does anyone else have trouble with the straps? If so, then ask the centre manager to change them as they may be badly worn. Alternatively it may be your technique or where the placement of the strap is on the foot. If the strap is to high up on the foot (further away from the toes), then as you rise up onto the ball of the foot you are putting too much pressure on the strap. By dropping the foot height, so less holes are showing at the top, until the strap comes across the crease in your trainers, then as the foot rises it will not pull on the straps.

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