Wanted: The Fat Fit
Posted by Concept2 News on the 2nd of May 2007
The risk of diabetes and heart disease is lower in overweight men who are fit than in normal-weight men who are unfit. Dr. Gary O’Donovan, an exercise physiologist at Brunel University in West London, is leading a study to investigate why the ‘fat fit’ enjoy protection from chronic disease. Throughout 2007, Dr. O’Donovan’s team will measure cholesterol, blood pressure, aerobic power (VO2 max) and other heart disease risk factors in 100 habitual exercisers and 100 sedentary men. The ‘fat fit’ are a rare bunch and Dr. O’Donovan is keen to hear from men who regularly take part in aerobic exercise but have a waist girth of 40 inches or more. If you’re a non-smoking male aged 35 to 50 and would like to take part in the study, send an email to gary.odonovan@brunel.ac.uk