Royal Marines Thames Challenge
Posted by Concept2 News on the 20th of June 2011
A crew of Royal Marines, centred on 40 Commando recovery troops (wounded, injured and ill), are training hard and will be rowing the length of the Thames in a coastal four (150 miles, 45 locks) from 10-14 July. Their arrival in London will be acknowledged by members and staff from both Houses of Parliament, and they will finish at the Old Royal Naval College Greenwich PM 14 July, against the backdrop of the Naval Hospital that was established for the support of those who served in a different era and their dependants. The crew will then be attending a garden party at Buckingham Palace on Friday 15 July, under the auspices of the Not Forgotten Association. We have an exciting media campaign, which started this week with local and regional media (linked to our live website), and during the row itself we will have continuing regional and national media coverage.
Their challenge and exercise is part of the recovery pathway - and very much in keeping with the Royal Navy/Royal Marines Fortitude initiative: to facilitate further and enduring rehabilitation opportunities through sport and adventure training.
But the Thames Challenge is more than 10 Royal Marines rowing the length of the Thames. It is also a challenge to others, service and civilian, young and old(er) to participate in their own Challenge. As individuals or in groups the Challenge is to travel the same distance as the Thames Challenge, by whatever means, and raise funds for the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund. When to start and how long it takes does not matter - taking part does! The interactive website at: includes details. Alternatively direct donations are also very welcome!