Top Tips
Posted by Concept2 News on the 27th of April 2004
This issue's Top Tip is another one from former World 60-69 Hwt record holder Noel Frost.It has been said that the lowering of the pH of the blood or increase in blood acid level causes the body to slow down. While this is correct, it is not the main reason. The main reason is the hydraulic resistance to flow of the blood - which includes lactate of course - through the various pipes within the body. While blood is compressible, the gas within it is in solution and blood can be considered to not be compressible under the normal pressures that the human heart produces. This then leaves resistance to flow as the main reason for a body to slow down. Biorhythms. It has been shown that at least three of the body's biorhythm cycles have an effect on a person's performance. These three are: physical, emotional and intellectual. When I started training in January 1995, I found I felt good sometimes, average most of the time and bad others. As I kept a daily diary, I wondered why and looked for the reason. One of my friends in the gym suggested I got a book on human biorhythms, which I did. I then compared about twelve months diary entries with the information given and found that it followed a pattern. We know that we can get statistics to prove just about anything, so I looked at best case and it seemed to be around 90% and worst case which seemed to be around 50% accurate. As we are limited in the amount we can progress by recovery time, we have to avoid injury to progress the fastest. Reportedly these cycles have a high and a low, so I worked out that I would best avoid injury by using a wave training program based on the 23-day physical cycle. I used the high of 31-day intellectual cycle, to make my decisions and ignored the 28-day emotional cycle. What surprised me was that it actually worked and from then on - except for accidents - I became injury free. It is my view that this was a major factor that helped me get to the top.