Music To Row By
Posted by Concept2 News on the 25th of January 2001
Last newsletter we ran a top tip from Dave Cumber extolling the virtues of training while listening to music on his wireless headphones. Consesubsequentlynariness we asked you lot to send in your list of music to train to.We got a range of answers wider than Christopher Biggins after he's burgled a tuck shop, and so we've only got space for a couple.Peterborough Junior Squad, home of some top junior ergoees, provided the following top 10 list, edited by DJ Billi-ball-bags (Aron Truss) and The Guru (Luke Taylor) (young 'uns these days with their crazy names eh?) 1. Jimi Hendrix - Crosstown Traffic 2. Iron Maiden - Bring your daughter to the slaughter 3. Iron Maiden - Run to the hills4. Aerosmith - Dude looks like a lady 5. Deep Purple - Black Knight6. The Who - Pinball Wizard7. Motorhead - Ace of spades8. Nirvana - Smells like teen spirit9. Lenny Kravitz/Ozzy Osbourne - Purple Haze 10. Cream - White Room They do add, however, that some of these are strictly weight-training tracks, but serve just the same.Dick Clements, meanwhile, proposed this solution: Any music from a Royal Marines band of course (the best military band in the world)! Try it and see. We're not sure, but we suspect there may be a generation gap between him and DJ Billi-ball-bags.Mike Linehan piped up to back Dave Cumber's choice of Robert Miles 'Dreamland': This CD is the only one that I train to. The tracks roll into each other and whether you are doing a 2,000 metre burn or a one hour endurance workout, the rhythm and beat of the music is quite inspiring. I can be flagging badly after about 20 minutes and in kicks Landscape which always helps me raise performance. Apart from One and One, which I think made the charts, I had never heard of Robert Miles. I have a few mates who also own Concept 2 machines and I even taped the music for them to train to. Listen to it yourselves, I think a CD should be issued with every new machine bought and no, I neither work for the man himself or his record label! Think you know any better? Keep 'em rolling in to the usual address: ____________________________________________F E E D B A C KLike what you read? Dislike what you read? Ideas for future newsletters? Make sure to tell us at