Online Events
The sport of indoor rowing was created in 1981 when Indoor Sport Services developed their first rowing machine and within a year the first world championship had taken place. To this day the sport is exclusively performed on Concept2 Indoor Rowers. There is an annual world championship in Boston, USA every February and national championships in almost every European country and worldwide each winter.
However, not everybody can make it to these events and not everybody wants to race. That's why we now have a range of online events, some of which are competitive while others are more participation driven:
Schools' League
Current Round: $nextleague['type'] . "
Closes: " . date("l jS F", ($nextleague['unixtime']+5000))?>The 7th season of the incredibly successful Schools Indoor Rowing League is now open. Similar to the Challenge Series but for teams of four and eight. Last year's tournament saw over 3,300 teams enter. The high number of entries is evidence that schools find that the sport appeals to a large range of pupils.
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Challenge Series
Current Round: $nextcs['type'] . "
Closes: " . date("l jS F", ($nextcs['unixtime']+5000))?>The Challenge Series is a league, ranking and monthly challenge all rolled into one, with the emphasis on participation rather than competition. We're now into our 4th year of the Challenge Series with over 48,000 miles rowed since it started in September 2008. There are now 11 different challenges - one each month between September and May in the main season of the Challenge Series and then 2 bonus rounds over the summer months.
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