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Motivational Case Studies

Tracey Brown

Related tags: Adaptive

Date Added: Tue, 03 Apr 2007

Tracey Brown isn't the first indoor rowing enthusiast to complete a million metres on the Concept 2. And she isn't the first to have lost weight through training on the popular machine either. She is, however, the first to complete a million metres in only eight weeks and two days on an 'adaptive' Indoor Rower - a first in the sport.

Thirty-six year old Tracey from Gorebridge in Midlothian regularly trains on the Concept 2 and competes in regional, national and international indoor rowing events with husband Wullie.

It was while completing her second marathon distance on the Indoor Rower - when she knocked more than an hour off her marathon personal best time taking it to four hours 10 minutes 37.8 seconds - that she decided to attempt the million-metre challenge.

Tracey suffers from Friedreich's Ataxia, a progressive crippling neurological illness affecting balance, coordination, muscles and nerves. Having been in a wheelchair since 1995 she has no use of her legs and uses a modified 'adaptive' Indoor Rower to train on. The modifications include a specially made rowing seat which is put onto the rower and she is strapped into. The seat allows her to slide while rowing, a crucial component of the rowing stroke, which she wouldn't ordinarily be able to do.

Tracey's illness has also led to the deterioration of her gullet and stomach muscles. For a few years she was unable to digest food without being sick but since beginning her indoor rowing training has been able to strengthen her stomach muscles and enjoy eating without it being a tricky task.

"I thought the million metres would be a good challenge to do so I set myself ten weeks in which to complete it." Tracey explains. "When I finished it in 58 days I was so relieved and felt ecstatic. I started the challenge on 10th May and finished on 6th July. The challenge itself only took me 48 days to complete but it was spread over 58 as I also have some horse riding commitments.

"I'm not just stopping here either. I've completed a couple of marathons, have finished a million metres and in April 2005 I'm going to row 100k in 24 hours to raise money for a local charity."

Tracey's indoor rowing record of achievement doesn't just come from training on her Concept 2 at home. She has competed at the last two AXA PPP healthcare British Indoor Rowing Championships and the last World Indoor Rowing Championship against able-bodied rowers. At the Nottingham Grand Prix this year Tracey won a gold medal in her class and has won medals at the last two Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships. She classes her biggest achievement as when her and Wullie both won Gold medals in Rome at the 2004 Italian Indoor Rowing Championship.

She intends to continue her racing this season and will be competing at all the major national indoor rowing events and hopefully adding to her medal collection. Tracey is also a member of the Mad Team Indoor Rowing Club and was awarded the first ever Rowers Choice Award earlier this year.

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