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Motivational Case Studies

David Pearce

Related tags: Weight Loss

Date Added: Fri, 15 Apr 2011

"In early 2004, I appeared on Channel 4's Fit Farm, which was broadcast every week day for 12 weeks, ending in May 2004. Upon entering I was 16 stone 1 pound, which at 5 foot 5" is not impressive!

"After our initial gym equipment training I knew that the Concept 2 Indoor Rower was the tool for me to achieve my goals. It works every major muscle group, so is great for all round fitness. It is an amazing feeling and you can really feel the difference in the muscles, especially the legs, triceps, shoulders and abs (in fact as a direct result of the rowing machine I have the start of a six-pack!).

"The Indoor Rower is also fantastic for rehabilitation as there is no impact, which was a major plus for me as I have bad knees due to skiing injuries.

"I would put 70% of my success down to rowing. The results it gave me were amazing. I lost more weight as a percentage of my body weight than any other guest in the Fit Farm. I was also the only one to use the Concept 2 as my main piece of equipment, which is probably no coincidence. In all, I lost 22% of my body weight in total, taking me to 12 stone 7 pounds.

"After coming out of the Fit Farm I was committed to carrying on with my fitness and rowing. As well as training by myself I have started up a Sunday morning exercise club with some friends and they all come to my house to have a 2,000 metre rowing competition on my Indoor Rower, which they all love. My aim now is to lose another 5 kilograms so that I can compete as a lightweight in the AXA PPP healthcare British Indoor Rowing Championship later this year.

"I strongly believe that if you only ever buy one piece of cardio equipment it should be the Indoor Rower as it is the most effective form of exercise I know. Quite simply, it's changed my life."

- David Pearce

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