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Motivational Case Studies

Coalition Forces Break Free of Usual Fitness Routine

Related tags: Armed Forces

Date Added: Tue, 23 Jun 2009

BAGHDAD - Coalition Forces and civilian support staff working in the heavily fortified International Zone (Green Zone) work long hours under stressful conditions. One way more than 500 personnel a day work out that stress is through exercise. Next to the weight and running machines at the Camp Travis gym is a unique way to keep fit - four Concept2 Model D indoor rowing machines.

Fitness enthusiasts have the added benefit of being able to receive expert instruction from a fully qualified indoor rowing instructor, trained on the equipment being used. The gymnasium has a uniquely international atmosphere because it is used by people from many different countries and a variety of fitness standards.

Rowing expert and graduate of the Concept 2 UK instructor course, Mr Stephen Carr volunteers his spare time to advise students how to best use the indoor rowing machines. Besides working as a security consultant to the US Army in Iraq, Stephen introduces novices to rowing during free-of-charge lessons, shows them proper technique, helps them identify common errors and gives them training guidance. Experienced rowers also benefit from his knowledge by getting advice on proper technique and equipment husbandry.

He has raised awareness of the capabilities of the rowing equipment so that new users can exercise more safely and more efficiently. As a result, they get more performance out of their work-out sessions, thanks to using proper technique through a better understanding of how to row.

First-time indoor rower, US Army Sergeant Freda Taylor, of the MNSTC-I command group, agreed, "Now that I have received professional instruction from Stephen, I feel confident to use rowing as part of my regular workouts."

"More and more people now have the benefit of professional instruction and are motivated to use the equipment correctly as part of their training regime." Carr said.

One experienced rower, David Haynes, said he has used indoor rowing machines for years, but never realized how minor changes to his technique could have such a significant impact on his performance. "Now, thanks to some great advice and correction from Stephen," Haynes said, "I am rowing more efficiently and enjoy the sport much more than I did previously."

"I am delighted to see people realizing the benefits of indoor rowing, and seizing the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the sport," Carr said. "Rowing offers a great all-round exercise for working every major muscle group, as well as getting a cardio workout. The unique capabilities of the Concept2 machine help people maintain and improve their overall fitness levels in event."

Personal motivation during times of adversity is critical to mission success, and offering a previously unavailable service to enhance physical fitness has helped to reduce peoples' boredom and strees levels. Lifelong fitness enthusiast Mr Tim Hoffman agrees. "Stephen was tremendously helpful, and I'm excited about getting started on a training regimen. I'm sure it will be of great benefit".

Disclaimer: The US Department of Defense does not endorse any Concept2 product

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